Swaps & Such

This page has been accessed times since 12/02/97.

Swaps are limited to the 50 US states unless otherwise stated.

All swaps will now have an eGroups group to communicate through, instead of the message board. This includes an e-mail address that all mail is to be sent through, which will send the e-mail to everyone in the group, and also post it on the group webpage. The group webpage includes old e-mails, a calendar with appropriate dates marked (such as deadlines and birthdays), and some other stuff.

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Swaps Currently Available:

DMC/Anchor Birthday Floss Swap #3

Cross Stitch Round Robin Project(s) #2

Cross Stitch Small Gift Exchange #2

Cross Stitch Birthday Leaflet Exchange

DMC/Anchor Birthday Floss Swap #3
Tentative Start date: May 1, 2000. Duration: 1 year.
Also open to residents of Canada.

Each person in this swap would send a card with 2 skeins of DMC or Anchor floss to the others signed up on their birthdays. Anyone who has trouble finding Anchor floss may substitute DMC floss for it. Each participant will be sent a complete birthday list (by April 16th), as well as monthly reminders. Group(s) of about 20 people each.

If you're interested in this (or have any questions or comments), please send an e-mail to sdasilva@usa.net.
Please include your name, e-mail address, birthday, mailing address, and any floss preferences you may have (DMC 3800's, DMC Variengated, Anchor red shades, etc.) if joining. I will e-mail people who signed up prior to a start date being set to confirm if they still wish to participate about two weeks before sign-ups close. We need at least five people to do this.

Click here to see a current list of interested participants for all the swaps

Cross Stitch Round Robin Project(s) #2
Tentative Start Date: May 2000. Duration: 4 - 9 months (depending on group size and turnaround time).

Each person in this round robin would choose a theme for a project to be stitched on by each member of their group. Each other person then picks a design that matches the theme from their design library to add to the project, stitches that design within the turnaround period, and then sends it on to the next person, who then follows the same procedure. If designs are hard to find for a given theme (or if there is a leaflet that has designs in it that the owner particulary likes), the owner can send along a leaflet or two for the others to perhaps select their designs from. Group size/turnaround time and other things such as fabric type and individual design stitch area size (usually 4" x 4" or 5" x 5" blocks (on 14 ct. aida)) are to be determined by the members in the group. The owner of each project is expected to secure the edges of their fabric and baste or mark out the blocks where they would like the others to stitch their designs in before sending it out to the first stitcher on around the group's selected project start time. Group(s) of 4 - 6 people each. Turnaround times of 30 or 45 days for each stitcher to add their design.

If you're interested in this (or have any questions or comments), please send an e-mail to sdasilva@usa.net.
Please include your name and e-mail address. We need at least four people to do this.

Click here to see a current list of interested participants for all the swaps

Cross Stitch Small Gift Exchange #2
Mail date: April 1, 2000. Duration: One-time.
Sign-ups close: February 1, 2000.

Each person in this exchange would select a small gift (bookmark, Christmas ornament, magnet, ornament, satchet, or surprise) to stitch for someone and would receive the same type of gift from someone else. A person can send and receive more than one gift (to and from different people) if desired. Official stitching assignments will be e-mailed to participants by two weeks after the sign-up closing date (2/15/00). Gifts are to be mailed by 4/01/00.

If you want to join this (or have any questions or comments), please send an e-mail to sdasilva@usa.net.
Please include your name, e-mail address, mailing address, and preferred type of small gift (from choices listed above) to send and receive if joining.

Click here to see a current list of interested participants for all the swaps

Cross Stitch Birthday Leaflet Exchange
Tentative Start Date: June 2000. Duration: 1 year.

Each person in this exchange would send a card and cross stitch leaflet to the other participants on their birthdays. Each person involved is to give a list of their favorite designs/designers so you know what they like. Leaflet cost is to be around $5.00 - $7.50 for each gift. Group(s) of about 15 people each.

If you are interested in this (or have any questions or comments), please send an e-mail to sdasilva@usa.net.
Please include your name and e-mail address. This is a preliminary survey to see if there is any interest in this swap. We'd need at least five people to do it. Once a start date is set, I will e-mail you to confirm if you still wish to participate.

Click here to see a current list of interested participants for all the swaps

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The following bars, separators, buttons, backgrounds, wallpapers, banners, textures, clipart, etc. are from the below listed web sites:

Bunnies.gif, heartln2.gif, ixstitch.gif, ixstitchbg.gif, xstline2.gif, and the above logo are from Becky J's. Used with permission.

2friends.gif, bless1.gif, flopbunny.gif, and the above logo are from Just Jane's. Used with permission.

This page was last modified on 12/18/99.

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