<div align="center"><font size="6" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">UKANTIQUE.COM (Latimer Road Antiques) Home Page</font></div>

Latimer Road Antiques
144 Latimer Road
Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 7EL
Phone from the UK at 01323-41-7777

Phone from outside the UK at 44-1323-41-7777


Who are we? UKANTIQUE.COM is Latimer Road Antiques, Eastbourne, East Sussex. We have been in business for many years and have several shops.

What UKANTIQUE.COM can offer you: From our Antique Shop located in beautiful Eastbourne, on the southeast coast of England, we are able to find what you need in anything and everything antique. From Victorian furniture to English China to banjos. We ship all over the world, and assist you with your unique wish list and Customs forms.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your queries. We answer all email and correspondence.

Email Derek or Miriam at UKANTIQUE.COM Please come back soon and visit us frequently.


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