Welcome to the lair of the.....

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Since the dawn of man the occult has taken on many forms, but none other has been so twisted, so bizzare, yet so very...very enticing as 'The Cult of The Demonic Bunny' Do not be surprised or shocked at this occult phenomenon that is sweeping the world by storm. Pagan worship of animals existed long before any of the so called 'faiths' of modern day. Bunny worship is not about going and buying a pet bunny, or being a rabbit nut. It's about having a greater understanding of the human (or non human) relationship with the most advanced of our rodent friends, and to have a respect for them as an equal, and as a superior to be reckoned with. You wont think it is so funny....when you are eaten by a bunny!

Click thy mouse on thy links below, to become enlightened unto 'The Bunny'!

Visit the following... VP (virtual places) rooms....

The Demonic Bunny.....................................where it all started

The Demonic Bunny II.................................a shrine unto thy Bunny

The Mortal Heart................................................where all good demon bunnies go to devour their prey.

DemonBunny Avatars and Gestures.....a must for any VP going cult member.

This is the page of "The Demonic Bunny Cult", we hope this has been an enlightening experience.....if it has not, then may thy demon bunnies stalk you, and hunt you down until you give in to their hypnotic stare and be devoured like the piece of meat you are!


Email your comments or interests in the cult to Mr Bunny,....and he will get back to you if your comment or request is worthy!


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