This site offers you a variety of Background Sets FREE
for use on your Personal Pages . All I ask in return
is a Link Back to this site using this URL :
Every sets has a matching Logo for you to use or a small
text that says :
"Designs By Missy's Mom" will be fine .
Please , DOWNLOAD the Sets you like or want to your own
server and store it in your hard drive . I will be changing
the Filenames constantly so linking back all the graphics
directly here is NOT a good idea , since you'll just end
up with broken images which will mess up your pages .
All Graphics are COPYRIGHTED By ME , and Please , DO NOT
include them in any Collection or Change them in any manner
except re-sizing them to suit the look of your pages . All
Graphics are in JPG format , Please , refrain from converting
them to GIF format ; I promise , they won't look good in
Gif's at all . Oh , one more thing , please , let me know if
you are using my Designs so I can take a look at your pages
and put a link to your site in my LINK's Page . You can
either email me the URL where you use my Designs or just
leave it on my Guestbook . Sure , I will sign your Guestbook
as well , promise ^_^