Fun With The "Pink" Digital Camera!!

Welcome to the original and only homepage dedicated to photography created solely by the "pink" digital camera. Fear of lawsuit prevents us from revealing the true name of the "pink" digital camera. We hope you enjoy our photos and movie shorts, but please please do not ask us to reveal the name of our digital camera.

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Here is one of the page's creators...(call him Calhoun).

Here is the other creator of the page...(B.D. Blues).

Calhoun was having a bad hairday......everyday.

Calhoun on his day excursion with a certain you know who.......Calhoun is being very tight lipped about what happened on their little ride.......Ill try to get some details about it for our dedicated readers who want to know.


Here are a few of our videos we have been working on. You will need winzip to unzip them.

Our first movie

Our second movie

Our first masterpiece!

This is an interactive tell us what you want to see and we'll do our best to do that for long as its perverts! so just leave a message on our guestbook and tell us what u think, or want to see...Thanks and hope you enjoy the one and only website like this of its kind.

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