[ Soria Moria Castle ] [ Guest Book ]
" Searching for a fairy-tale..."
- Over and over again
- the Ash Lad has to set out
- on long and hazardous journeys,
- east of the sun and west of the moon.
- He is forced to face countless dangers.
- But far, far away he sees something
- shining and glistening -
- Soria Moria Castle...
Theodor Severin Kittelsen (1857
- 1914) is the Norwegian artist who, at the end of the last century, gave us the
trolls-bursting out of the forests. We recognised them and felt that we had always known
them, handed down as they were over the ages in our legends and folk tales.

- Viorel Boghean-Melconian
Photo: LKAB info - office 1998
- Born in Romania, 1949
-Graduated of the "Natural and Agricultural Science
Institute" (1972),
M.Sc. In Biology - Bucharest University, Romania
-Member of the "Association of Artists in Photography"
since 1980
-First literary press appearance with poetry in 1983
-Participant in collective state organized exhibitions of
art, sculpture and metalwork art in the frame of
unprofessional artistic
-Cover book design in 1989
-Enamel exhibition, Narvik (Norway) 1993
- -Decorative
art presentation in Nordland-Norway (enamel, glass-Tiffany, sculpture and
metalwork - bras, pewter-) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,
"...From the farther North, I'm sending
You a frozen smile,
Cached by the icicles, among these falling snowflakes
Up there on the ridges the wolves howl with a sound of desert and of mist,
Rousing forests through these passing years.
All around is dumbfounded and the sky seems sewed by a trembling hand
And with shinning eyes,
The Unseen, the Unknown rise the voice and becomes real..."
Letters from the North
Viorel Boghean -Melconian

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- Author: Viorel Boghean-M
- Last edited: 26 July 2000
- mailto:vboghean@yahoo.com