

Okay so it's not really gone, we've just moved. That's right, Indygirlie's Haven has moved. Okay, here's the deal. Since it's eleven days until I get out for the summer, I decided, what the hell! I'll go mental and just completely redo my page, ya know, put some of that semester of Internet to work, before I forget it all and look like a jackass when I take Internet II. If you're visiting this page, I've love to see you at the new page! Also the new page isn't going to be a Hanson/*NSYNC/Moffatt page like it is now. I'm converting, sorta. First I dropped The Moffatts cause lets face it, I know nothing about them! As for Hanson and *NSYNC, they'll still be on there in some form. I plan to keep my *NSYNC section at least because I really like it. As for the Hanson section, it well sucks. Don't let that page make you believe I don't like Hanson anymore, cause as Cassie and I found out this week, Hanson fans never really die. Yah I got the new album, it's cool but I must admit, I'm a much bigger *NSYNC fan than Hanson... and I know very little about Hanson anymore, expect that Zac has a wonderful voice!! Okay so anyway lets all join me at Princess Giddy Up's Palace

Princess Giddy Up's Palace