Tabula rasa- 1. A blank tablet; clean slate. 2.The mind before impressions are recorded upon it by experience.

Greetings and Welcome to my very own web page. This was my first web page that I created using HTML text only. Looking back, it is very primitive, but it's a piece of my history. Inside of my Tabula rasa you will find a gallery of my artwork, my autobiography, a page about my animals, and other miscellaneous things. It's all in fun! Well, since you're already here, you might as well take a look around.

Inside of the Gallery you will find samples of my artwork. I am an all-around artist. I sketch, draw, paint, sculpt, photograph, and digitize. Here are some of my favorite works. These images are © copyrighted, so if you would like to use any of them, please ask me first.

My Autobiography is just that. Learn a little about the author of this page and why I am the way I am. Here you can also check out some more cool photographs. I have also included a bunch of links to my favorite sites so you can visit them, too!

This page is dedicated to the real animals in my life, past and present. I ABSOLUTELYLOVE animals! This is me with my daughter Hershey, also known as "Hershpersh", "Hootch-monger", "Herkyperky", and other such nonsensical names. Enter here to visit my virtual zoo.

In June of 1999 my family went on the best vacation ever- TAHITI! Come in and see some great pictures of the French Polynesian Island of Moorea.

Feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions! Hershey LOVES Fan Mail!