ברוך אתה ייאלוהינו מלך העולםבורא מאורי האש

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, bo-rei me-orei ha-aish.

"I hope you dream of angels"

Thanks for visiting my website. I keep a blog of my daily rants, raves and ruminations. You have to be be my yahoo friend in order to read my blog. I am working on becoming a stronger and healthier person. I believe that through diet and exercise I will be able to lose weight and work to my goal of being 190 lbs. I want to be a leaner and more athletic build. I started running and surfing. My personal motto is "No Excuses" It reminds me to exercise no matter what. If it is is raining, then I will need to dress for getting wet. If it is hot, then I need to make sure to drink a lot of water. So wish me luck. I am a librarian. Books and media are my industry. Books make great gifts. Take a look at my professional blog. Sometimes I have something smart to say. I have managed to gather a few friends along the way. I appreciate them. We share movies on Netflix. And they leave me pictures on my corkboard.

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Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Fire
You are intense, internally driven, and passionate.
Your emotions are unpredictable - and they often get the better of you.
Both radiant and terrifying, people are drawn to you.
At your most powerful, you feel like the world belongs to you.

Why you would be a good superhero: You are obsessive enough to give it your all

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Your moodiness would make it difficult to control your powers

What Should Your Superpower Be?

You are The Emperor

Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person.

The Emperor is the great authority figure of the Tarot, so it represents fathers, father-figures and employers. There is a lot of aggression and violence too.

The Emperor naturally follows the Empress. Like an infant, he is filled with enthuiasm, energy, aggression. He is direct, guileless and all too often irresistible. Unfortunately, like a baby he can also be a tyrant. Impatient, demanding, controlling. In the best of circumstances, he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow, sitting on a throne that indicates the solid foundation of an Empire he created, loves and rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. But that throne can also be a trap, a responsibility that has the Emperor feeling restless, bored and discontent.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

I started running. I find a lot of comfort in running. I like to enter a very relaxed state while running. These are my runs. You are welcome to join me some time.

I loves me some YouTube/jbangilan.

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