in case you are having trouble with the links as some have mentioned, it is

As such some legal jargon should be used here. I will not be held responsible for any mental, emotional, and/or physical - be it real or imagined - effects that may occur from the content within this website. Anyone who is afraid of technology should be concerned that they are using it. Also, there seems to be a lacking in the number of propositions for various sex acts mentioned within. Some have complained that it needs far more livestock pictures. I concur with their desires to create a rich, thoughtful environment where one can express themselves but quite frankly this is my webpage and I don't give a bloody oh, wait, the phone is ringing... Now where was I? Oh yes, burn in hell you back-stabbing orange peelers! I know of their plans. Like the sand sinks beneath the shore of the ivory coast, so too do I run amok and find many a thing to defile. So by entering my site, until such times as I actually turn this site into such a thing worthy to be viewed by anyone, that you take full responsibility for any actions taken within and that as such you accept that you do agree that bananas were made for one thing only and to consider using that whip cream right there is ooh-so good and that you are a willing adult in my World Empire. For I am the Great Lychor of All Things. His Honorableness. I'm going to run for a position as a Judge out here in Texas as soon as I figure out the legal-schmegal jargon on that paper to sign up. And sign my guestbook you crazy fiends!
Thank you very much.