Artist with Spirit - Louanne Robinson

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Check out some of her original artwork

Check out some of her poetry

Check out some of her music

All artwork is for sale.

Louanne teaches, and does wall murals and portraits on commission.

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Recent Events

The Dream Center

Louanne has eleven pieces showing at this Christian Cultural Arts Center. Which is affiliated with the Outer Banks Worship Center, Villa Dr., Nags Head, NC (252) 441-5182


Loudoun County Regional Library

Louanne was showing at the Loudoun County Regional Library in Sterling, November 1, through December 31, 1999.  There were 27 pieces of her work at this exhibit. 

American Artists Studio

Louanne is a member of American Artists Studio which shows work throughout Loudoun County Virginia.

A New Song

An excerpt from "The Master Artist" has been published by
A New Song - Poetry of God's People,
and "Dancing Cranes" is featured as the cover art. 
For more information, and to receive a copy of New Song, contact:
Susan Jelus
New Song Press
P.O. Box 629, WBB
Dayton, OH 45409-0629

Blue Ridge Cafe

Louanne was the feature artist for the grand opening of American Artist Studios at the Blue Ridge Cafe in Purcellville in September 1998.    The show featured 15 of Louannes painings, and links to this web page were available through the cyber connection available there.

Easter Art Show

Louanne had a significant representation at the Easter Art Show sponsored by the American Artists Studio. There was an opening reception at the studio on Friday April 3, 1998 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

Flower Show

Louanne's floral work were on exhibit at the American Artists Studio Gallery for a special floral exhibit for the Flower and Garden Festival.

US Geological Survey

"Thresholds" showed at the National Center Gallery of the US Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive in Reston, Virginia.

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Fountainhead (Art by Christians)

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