Jessika's Corner
A Writer's Resource and Recreation Page
Welcome to my corner of the web. I have researched various websites and have put some of the best ones on this page. Like many of you, I would like to do more writing and less time researching. I have included some detailed summaries of what is contained in some of these websites so it will be easy to find what is needed.
The links on this site are mostly off-site links. You may wish to bookmark this site so you may come back and visit the other great sites on these pages.
- Links for Writers - for articles and other links on getting started, tips, general reference, agents, etc.
- Topic Links - for researching and preparation to write a story, but not about the craft of writing itself.
- Reading Links - to stories that others have written. (This is some good recreation and inspiration for those who are experiencing writer's block.) The stories/links are listed according to subject matter.
- Publishing Links - to articles on agents, copyrights, query letters, synopsis and other topics for when the manuscript is finished.
- Quick Direct Links - This direct links page is offered for convenience if you need a quick reference while writing and don't want to take the time to search all over the web. These links are to the articles themselves.
- Writing Ezines - links to websites offering free writing ezines. The ezines have articles and various other useful information and comes directly to your email.
- Writing TipsTips and tricks of the trade submitted by other writers.
If you have any sites you want me to review to add to this site or if you have a story you want to submit, please send me an email.
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