Welcome to

Hello there. Welcome to my home page. The widget above will take you to my space at Red Bubble, but a lot more of my artwork can also be viewed here, on this site. However, if you follow the link to my art gallery on this page, you will also find out how to view my artwork on larger online galleries and outlets. I have just put up some links to some new compositions on my 'large mixed-media' section - do contact me at my email address if you have any inquiries there, or would like to know more.

I currently have one of my artworks on view at the First Annual Remodernist Exhibition

You can also browse samples and read information about my Tarot deck and how to obtain the fully-published version of my major arcana. I also have a few astrological articles for you to read, one or two of which have been revised recently.

Then for the initiated, there is my 'Poison Quill' reviews page. Please note that these days I would rather be writing music reviews for other sites, and, if possible, zines, although some of my artwork is also here. I have also moved the link to my 'bedtime stories' to this section. Overall, I am currently re-thinking what other goodies I will also cover on these pages, but hope to include more comments and interviews on books or on other creative topics of interest.

Finally, you can also visit my blog, where I shall also post comments and updates on what is happening here.

My Interests

Art Gallery
My Tarot Card Designs
Confessions of a Lapsed Astrologer
Biographical Details
The Poison Quill
Links Page

If you would like to be posted re future developments, then email me
(If you have any problems contacting me, try my hotmail address instead.)

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Artmajeur International Online Art Gallery