*Site best viewed with
Welcome to my snowglobe
site! Paint Shop Pro is the graphics program I use to make the
snowglobes. Not only is snowglobe making addictive, but so is
Paint Shop Pro!
My snowglobes are free
for your personal
homepages, so if you would like to give one of them a home, click
your right mouse button on the image and choose "save as",
download them to your own hard drive
and upload them to your own server.
Please do not link directly to the graphics!
If you decide to take a
snowglobe I have created, then there are a couple of rules: Do
not include these graphics in any CD, collection, or sell them.
Do not put these graphics on sites displaying pornography, racial
hatred or violence.
Please do not alter
these graphics or claim them as your own.
Here is my logo that you
may use to link for your homepages. Thank you.


My Other website =)

(Since I am no longer
updating this site - I've taken down the "sign"
guestbook link - but you can still "view" it)
"Queen Titania"

Guardian of Land of

Contact the Webmistress
Last update: Nov. 7, 1999

Another great snowglobe site to visit on
the world wibe web
are listening to "Troto"
Julio Feliz)
Midi World
since July 20, 1999