NEWS: I bet you weren't expecting this! This is your friendly webmaster Help, though I'm usually referred to as Jammer these days and any other day. It's been literally years since I've updated this page, almost four. I've been busy with college and my YS obsession has waned. However I am amazed that this site still gets traffic. So I figure that the least I can to is tidy it up some and leave it be for the fans. I may put up a few new things I've aquired (if I can remember what they are), and I may set up the adoptable monster to be link free. I just don't have the time to keep up on everything. But thanks for the continuing hits, everyone.
~Help (Jammer) |
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![]() Anyways, here on this page are the lyrics to the songs from Yellow Submarine-not that they're that hard to figure out-drawings that Help has done of things from the movie, some scans from various YS products, just no direct screen grabs because it's not possible to scan the TV screen. There's also a basic story overview, info, links and a page where you can adopt a YS monster for your webpage! I hope what you see is a good enough taste to make you want to come back for more. There will always be more as long as Help has something to update the page with. Luckily she hasn't run out of stuff so far. So, see you later!
It's way past the year:![]() Places to check out!
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The Beatles Yellow Submarine is © 1968, 1999, 2000 Subafilms Ltd.
Page up since September 16, 1999