z a r a u s
  s a i d
  n o t h i n g

Creatures of habit, rituals of cruelty. As an animal, man seems to need an
excuse to mangle each others' reach. Usually, I am in persuit of a positive
outlook, events as of late make me wonder why humans are so dang mean spirited these days... Rough insights brewing, needing a herd without motives of selfishness... =zd

email Zaraus...

New peudo-poem==>
Utensil Tongue

Tell me something that I
Don't know
How the eyes collide
When your caution lips
Are only implied
Now you go
From solution into
Yet you kept trying to pry
Unless your heroes lied
The face is safest
Only when placed ahead
Of pollution's grace...

2Arav5  deS