
Do not deny it brought us here together
like murmurs from a canyon brook.
Calling from creation now and forever.

We share a creator, a love and a soul
as the pounding of the falls shape the rocks.
A poem unwritten, a story untold.

A song of the wind singing to the wild
through the loftiest pines.
The beckoning of a mother to her child.

You whispered to me not knowing my name
from a shadowy cliff.
A long journey of understanding why we came.

Have we come this far to pass without knowing?
walk through a wild flower valley.
We touch for an instant and time stops flowing.

The author in Wrangell - St. Elias National Park, Alaska.
Welcome to my home page!  I hope that you enjoy it.

Check out my pictures! Places to go, people to meet and new ideas to explore!
Denali National and State Parks,  Alaska 1999
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Montan and Idaho
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Hiking Mt.St. Helens, Washington
Light Houes on the Outer Banks of North Carolina
New Mexico pictures!
Visit the Flying Circus in Bealeton, Virginia and check out the planes!
A few Virginia hiking pictures
See gray whales in San Ignacio, Mexico