Welcome to the Web Page of Steve Kadar

Welcome to the Web Page of Steve Kadar

SPRING has arrived!


Since I don;t have alot to say, I have something to show you...

What you are about to see is the coolest place in Newport News. It is called Aroma's at City Center in Oyster Point, and it is without question the best coffee shop around. Even a manager at a local Starbucks said the same thing I just did!

After you look at the photos you will see why I think the place is so neat.

NOTE: For the record, Aromas has not paid me a dime or gave me anything for this posting. I just like the place!


Oh yea, that is me taking a picture of myself inside the coffee shop!

Links to other sites on the Web

More about me and how I ended up here...
More about me profesionally...
More about one of my passions...
A true gem in Allentown, Pennsylvania
The best radio around...
Home by the sea...

Visit my links to learn more about me and my interests!

You can always e-mail me at stevekadar@yahoo.com because, well, everyone else does.