Leah Brooks

Hmm.. Let me see, I am your normal every day teenager. I love writing, music, tv, people, my closest friends, and most of all nature. The rugged beauty of Mississippi is something that you don't want to ever miss. It takes looking from the heart to understand it though.

Great Poetry Site

Fan Fic

My Talk

Woops, Done this in the wrong box. Ah well, My poetry and nature are big things for me. I have a passion for music, any kind, from country, to jazz, to r&b, to classical. It is all beautiful and it all holds some special meaning for me.

I have an annoying little brother, but I love him, just don't tell him that. (I'd never live it down.) My dad is pretty cool, he is a big kid. My mom and I are really tight, yet sometimes I wonder if I am not the parent and she is the child. My little sister and I are well going through the she is growing up stage and is trying to find her own identity and I have found mine and am trying to show her and she is too stubborn stage. Actually I think I am too stubborn, worse than she is. The best part of my family is my sister who now lives in Maine, but yet has been there for me no matter the distance between us.

What can I say about my friends? They are the ones that keep me going when I feel like I have no other way to do it. It is from them that I draw my strength and my goodness. Yet the one true friend that has been there for me since I was born was the friend who I have all my childhood memories with. She and I killed her cat, she and I fought in elementary, she and I stood up for what we believed in in Jr. High and in High School as we truly realized we are always going to be best friends and sisters, she was taken away from me.. It hurts, yes, but I still love her and that's what counts.