Carrie Mae Nalley and Timothy William Cole

At 12 noon on Sunday, October 24th 2004, we will be married at the Mt. Charleston Hotel. The ceremony will take place outside, between pine trees and the west side of the hotel (picture below). Click on the link above to view more pictures of the site. The reception is inside, immediately following the ceremony. Wedding guests can book rooms here (call soon), or in town at the Santa Fe Station. Of course, there are plenty of hotels closer to the strip. The Santa Fe Station is the closest hotel/casino to the wedding site, and if enough people book there, we will set up a shuttle service for the 20 minute drive. Otherwise, you will need a rental car; There is also a rustic lodge higher up the mountain (Mt. Charleston Lodge) with cabins for rent, but we hear they book up fast—up to 6 months in advance—so if you're interested, contact them now. Las Vegas has all the major car rental companies, at or near the airport. Try, and use LAS as the "going to" location.

It is generally 10-20 degrees cooler here than in town. October is usually sunny and warm, with a big cool-down around Halloween. It should be comfortable (65-75 degrees), but we suggest light layers—and sunscreen—for the outdoor ceremony. If we have rain that day, the ceremony will be inside.

Here are some Las Vegas websites with hotel, show and restaurant information: (The main local newspaper)

We'll add more as we find out about shows, concerts and other events around the time of the wedding.

Gift registries: Target and Dillard's