I would like to begin our sojourn with a painting and a story that will
       bring some of the "Old" Florida history to light.
       {I trust you will forgive the lack of chronological order in my journal.}
                We lived on Merritt Island from 1964 until 1967.  Here is where
       my story takes place.




        In the forth-coming months I hope to include more paintings, stories
        poetry, philosophies, sculptures, how-to's and just some random
        thoughts.   And something for the children too.

Below are some links to pages I think you will enjoy.  They were
designed with something to delight the eye as well as presenting
an interesting and educational literary content
They are the creative efforts of my daughters who  I am proud
to also call friends.
And please view my newest page.  'Tis the story of the exciting trip my husband and I made to the Bahamas a while back.

                          So as Time goes by and until we meet again.......

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