DaleBarnard.com Home (this page)
Singing and Songwriting (cassettes, etc.)
Living Simply at Base Camp (pictures, text)
My Adventures (reports)
Caving (maps, contacts, lyrics)
Software Development (resume)
Spanish Language Schools Article
Teaching (and why I'm not)
Substitute Teaching (information, resources)

Send feedback to barnarddale@yahoo.com

What's new September 2005?
- Removed "Learning to be Extraordinary" essay (my thinking has moved away from that idea).

What's new January 2005?
- Updated technical resume.

What's new January 2003?
- Added a trip report for a big X-mas/New Years adventure in southern Mexico.
- Help me sell my old-fashioned cassettes before I make a CD. They're available at my cost of $5 including shipping. Give them as gifts!

All content Copyright © 2005 Dale Barnard unless otherwise noted.