Pteryx's Page

Somewhere for the other bit of my brain to roam

Yes, it is a pretty weird name, isn't it. The one I was after was taken, but I'm not especially fussed.
I've connected this page to my other homepage, since I've decided not to be anonymous now. Especially since no one was going here and I can't think of how else to get people here. Find a link to Alisaura's page below.
With time, I'll doubtless be brave enough to put more of my poems and half-finished stories on here, but I'll go a little at a time, mainly because I haven't got abundant time right now to spend on imagining things. I've just written out a story I did a small version of back in Year 12 or something, I didn't have much time to write it then, but the deadline for the writing comp was looming so I spun out an idea that had been rattling aruond in my skull. Unfortunately I don't have the original one, which is probably just as well. I fleshed it out and am going to put it up here soonish.

So, if you like, have a look at what I've got so far.

I shouldn't have to remind anyone that this is my own, orginal work and if for some unfathomable reason you want to put any of it on your own page, please refrain from doing so unless you have my permission. Thankyou.

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