Hello and welcome. My name is Sang. Here, you will be able to learn about my writings and some of my philosophies. The site is continuously under construction, so please excuse the mess.
In the mean time, I hope you enjoy what little I can offer at the moment. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!
I hope you come again soon!
October 7, 2004
I now have two publications in circulation. Please look below for information about both books.

This book contains my spiritual poetry. It is an exploration of myself and I leave you to draw your own conclusions from my words.
Printed in English.
Price: $20.00

This book contains personal essays that explore your Enlightenment.
Printed in Korean
Price: $20.00
To Order, please send cash, money order or check to:
Sang-Bong Lee
P.O. Box 52063
Philadelphia, PA 19115