The Realm of
Syko Dragon

Play-Asia.com - Your One-Stop-Shop for Asian Entertainment

Search for Anime, Movies, Music, and Games straight from Japan!!

UPDATES Jan 19, 2006:


* Circus life is hard, but I'm making an effort to at least get online more and become social, hehe...
* PLEASE check out the site above- it's got some good sales on anime, music, and games!! Please help me out!! Thanks in Advance!!
* My training has continued at a slow pace, but is still continuing...
* Man, I STILL suck at adding new stuff, don't I? =P


Welcome to my homepage. My name is Syko Dragon. I have many skills and train frequently to be an "All-Around-Guy." This website contains many of my interests and training methods. (Please note the Disclaimer and Notice at the very bottom of this page!! Thank You).

I'd appreciate your comments, arguments, and replies. My contact information is near the bottom of this page. There is also my Guest Book in case you want to leave a little note for everybody to see. I will respect your opinions if you respect mine.

Now onto my...stuff.



Syko's/Jeff's Mary Kay Website - Yes, I am now Selling Mary Kay!! It's all pretty new to me, but I'm still willing to Learn...So, check it out!! Buy something if You'd like...=D


Martial Arts - I am very much into Martial Arts. It makes up a majority of my Lifestyle. This section will lead to another section just for the Martial Arts that I experience. It is separate from the other links so people looking just for Martial Arts don't have to search. There you will find some info on Energy, Tricks, and Exercises. Enjoy!!


About Me - I chose to add this section cause I needed one more link for my website since my teacher said I needed three main links (this started out as a high school assignment). You can just skip it if you'd like. And NO STALKERS ALLOWED!!

Syko's Poetry - I took this section out originally, but I still had it hidden. I'm putting it back so that I can still have an all-around type of website. It's setup like it's a site of it's own (which it kind of is). Enjoy!!

Adventures of Wildlife - This link leads to my Goofball site. Here you can find some of my side projects (opposed to the main ones on here). Adventures of Wildlife originally started as toy puppets that I make talk and put through stupid situations (there are episodes to download there), but there are other things there too (movie quotes and alterations, my quotes, and true stories). It's still under construction, but check it out anyway!!





If you'd like to email me via hotmail, my email address is: Syko_Dragon@hotmail.com

If You can't reach me through that email address, my other email address is: NyteRoamer@aol.com


Sign Guestbook View Guestbook


Martial Arts

About Me
Syko's Poetry
Adventures of Wildlife

DISCLAIMER: All exercises and information contained within this entire website and those associated with it directly or indirectly are to be performed and distributed with caution and at one's own risk. I, the creator (Jeffrey J. Akau), and all those associated with this site directly or indirectly are not responsible for any damages which may occur from the use or misuse of any information disclosed from this entire website.

NOTICE: All works presented/displayed in this site are my personal works and belong to me, Jeffrey J. Akau (aka Syko Dragon), unless stated otherwise. Any reference or use of my work must have my name (Jeffrey J. Akau) accompanied by it to show it is my work. Any publication must have permission by me, with a hand-written signature (at my disclosure), to be used. Thank You!


Dragon Images Courtesy of: Fantasy Poet