Billy's Online Arboretum

Trees Found in San Diego CA
Online since 1999
Tree of the Month-July 2007 -Magnolia
List of COMMON NAMES of Trees
[with Descriptions and Photos of Trees]
San Diego Street Trees alphabetized by common names
List of BOTANICAL (Taxonomic) NAMES of Trees
[with Descriptions and Photos of Trees]
San Diego Street Trees alphabetized by botanical names with links to photos
Descriptions and Photos of Trees
(Cross linked from COMMON NAMES and BOTANICAL NAMES)
GLOSSARY of Taxonomic terms and obscure words
[with cross references and Cross links]
Links to Other Tree Websites
Trees needing Photos or HTML Description
Large plants not trees
How to use this website (under construction)
San Diego Street Trees as listed by the San Diego Dept of City Forestry
San Diego Street Trees alphabetized by common names
San Diego Street Trees alphabetized by botanical names with links to photos
Newest photos listed by botanical name
Trees with links ready to be indexed

[Other Tree Websites]
[Trees Needing Photos or Description]
[Large plants not Trees]
My Dad's Religious websites tribute to Ken Feit Pathetique site -- 2007 Rosary Essay Contest site- My favorite Catholic Apologists
Feel free to email me at William Miller or my dad at with any comments or suggestions.
Finally updated March 11, 2007 after 8 years
Link dog works -reports show which links need fixing