
Welcome to my home page for my web site. Some of you may know me as either Minstrel Micki or Micki from the chat rooms. The following sections reflect who I am as a person and what I believe in.

I hope you enjoy reading these articles as much I enjoy writing them. Most of these sections are still incomplete...they are works in continous progress as I am, so please come back and visit often. I will always be adding more as time goes by.

Thank you and please feel free to e-mail me with any comments or questions to the address below.

Autumn in Ohio

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Open Letter, 2002 (NEW!)
The Ears to Hear Gnostics The Real Melchizedek (NEW! UPDATED!) The Pesher Technique (NEW! UPDATED!)
King Arthur
Tribute to My Mentor
The Forbidden Book of Enoch
Sodom and Gomorrah
The Flood
Bibliography (NEW! 2002)
The Truth About the Marys
Perfection (NEW! UPDATED!)
The Life of Jesus
Golgotha (NEW!)
The Story of Joseph and Aseneth (NEW!)
The Tamars (NEW!)
Passover and Easter
The Bees (NEW!)
Merkavah and Hekhalot Kabbalah (NEW!)
Baptism by the Holy Spirit: Babylon vs. Pentecost (NEW!)
Sacrifices (NEW!)
Joseph of Arimathea (NEW!)
Mainstream Kabbalah Teachings (NEW!)
Repentance (NEW! 2002)
The Christmas Story
"Faust" by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (NEW!)
"Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift (NEW!)
"Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka (NEW!)
"Tartuffe" by Moliere (NEW!)
"When Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe
"Zaabalawi" by Naguib Mahfouz (NEW!)
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Jingle Bells
A Kosher Primer