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Welcome To The Home Of My Garden Diary

The Best Of Life

    Share what you grow with others and you shall feed them for a short time. Give them seed and teach them how to plant and grow it they shall feed themselves for a season. Teach them how to save seed from what they grow and they shall feed themselves for life.


   For your enjoyment I have listed a few great web sites, check them out. A lot of great folks own and opperate these places, so enjoy. 





          Black Krim Tomato 5/10/08    Nothing ever looks or tastes as good as what you grow yourself.



          A Barbados Dahlia and Homestead Tomato Plant 6/15/08       I can't wait to see how this Dahlia comes out the sprout disconnected from the tuber durring shipment and I put it in this pot. It has grown an inch since I planted it. The tuber itself hasn't produced any more sprouts but with TLC there may still be a chance.



           A Red Tiger Lily and A White Currant Tomato Plant Anglong With A Dahlia 6/15/08    The red tiger lily is one of my dreams come true. It took me two years to track a tiger lily down and get ahold of it, I couldn't find one locally so I sent away for this one. With luck this one will be the mother of an entire bed full.

         The white currant I started and gave to one of my sons for his sixteenth birthday. He really loves fresh tomatoes so I thought it would be fun to see what he does with it.

         I am waiting to see what this dahlia looks like, it was unmarked, how exciting. There are so many different ones that I couldn't even venture a guess, so this one and eleven more are keeping me glued to my seat. Thanks Goria.



          Purple Passion Hybrid Tea Rose Bud 6/15/08    I got this bush last month and it already has its first bud, what a great month.



        Telegraph Improoved Cucumber 6/15/08    A shot of a few of my cucumber plants.



         A few cacti 6/15/08        No garden can be complete without some cacti.



         Self sown groundcherry 6/15/08     This one came up on its own this spring, I planted some there last year.



         Century Plant 6/15/08    This is the mama of all my century plants. Ever since I put her there she keeps putting them out, she must really be happy.



            Spearmint 6/15/08    A whif of this in the morning and you will definitely wake up fast.



            Moonflower 6/15/08   Finally enough rain to get these guys growing.



         Purple Passion Bloomed this morning 6/17/08    It's such a tiny little thing, down right cute and what a smell. It truly does have a lemon smell to it. Way too cool. I can't wait to try the tea it makes.



           Two out of three Cherokee Purple Tomato Plants 6/17/08   They seem to be taking the heat real well. 



          The first spent moon flower of the year 6/17/08   A long awaited beauty. I always enjoy sitting on the porch in the evenings when these guys are in bloom. The smell is wonderful and the night life they stir up is fun to watch.



          Intrigue Rose Bush 6/17/08  I was beginning to think this one was a dud but here it is with sprouts, happy days.



         One of three Nyagous Tomato plants 6/17/08   I am dieing to see how the babies taste, they look so good in the pictures I've seen I just had to try them.



          Rosemary 6/17/08   It doesn't look like much when small but it smells beautiful and works great in my cooking.



           Small Marketeer Cucumber 6/17/08   A decent tasting cucumber, what more needs to be said.



           A Red Tomato Ripening 6/17/08   The heat hasn't beat this tomato plant, in a couple of days I'll have a fresh tomato for a sandwich.



          Sweet Basil 6/17/08   Lots of self-sown basil, it sure smells good when it rains or I water.











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