Native American Indian Arts

Zuni fetish, lapis buffalo with coral, andres quandelacy, 1 5/8 x 1 1/2, NFS, for more items like this, click on the photo
Amerindian Arts
Zuni fetish, lapis buffalo with coral, andres quandelacy, 1 5/8 x 1 1/2, NFS, for more items like this, click on the photo

Native American artists

Welcome to
Amerindian Arts'
Virginia A. Stroud
Teddy Draper
Donald Vann
R.C. Gorman
Sheila Hill
Mark Silversmith
Dyanne Strongbow
Clifford Brycelea
Anthony Emerson
Navajo Sandpaintings
Pueblo Pottery
Zuni Fetishes
Dana Tiger
Western Artists
Mirac Creepingbear
King Kuka
Zuni Paintings
To Order
Amerindian Arts
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Native American original arts and graphics, a virtual gallery featuring R.C. Gorman, Donald Vann, Virginia Stroud, Teddy Draper, Mark Silversmith, Dyanne Strongbow, Sheila Hill, Clifford Brycelea, and many others, as well as Navajo sandpaintings, pueblo pottery, and Zuni fetishes.

Nature's Treats, Giclee by Virginia Stroud

Stewart Quandelacy Medicine Bear

New-Giclees by Virginia Stroud

Quandelacy Fetishes

New Release

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