The Legend of Jimmy Camp
Jimmy Camp is the name of an historic campground on the eastern edge of Colorado Springs. The name dates back to the early nineteenth century, to a time when the Pikes Peak region was yet unsettled, when the roads were yet trails, and when the Arapahoes and Cheyennes yet roamed the high prairies of central Colorado.
Jimmy Camp
Legend has it that the campground was named for an Indian trader called Jimmy, family name unknown. Once a year during the 1830's Jimmy was said to have brought his wagons to this beautiful valley in the shadow of Pikes Peak. On each arrival he built a large fire atop a nearby hill as a signal to local tribesmen that the yearly trade was about to begin. Poor Jimmy! He came once too often. During his last visit he had barely built his fire before a party of Mexicans pounced upon him, murdered him, and carried off his entire supply of trade goods. The Indians came into camp soon after. Finding Jimmy's body, they pursued the Mexicans and - overtaking them - avenged his death by hanging the assasions to the limbs of trees.
Following Jimmy's death the camp named for him became a favorite stop-over for those traveling the old trail along the Front Range of the Rockies. The camp was used in turn by trappers, traders, explorers, gold seekers, and early settlers. Most called it Jim's Camp or Jimmy Camp, but few knew the true origin of the name. Their surmises - told over the evening campfires - soon gave rise to one of the most enduring legends of the Pikes Peak region. In time the springs became known as Jimmy Springs and the nearby creek as Jimmy Camp Creek
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Description of Jimmy Camp
Old Trail Through Jimmy Camp
Indian and Spanish Visitors
Adventurers and Mountaineers
Legend of Jimmy
Recent Investigations Into the Jimmy Legend
Graves at Jimmy Camp
Gold Seekers
Jimmy Camp Today
Into the Future
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