Greg's Web Pages
These are the web pages I have authored. In each category, listed from most important to least important.Faith
The scholarship contest I funded myself to fix what's wrong with the church truthvslove results
The original announcement page for the contest truthvslove announce
My (currently inactive) Yahoo! Group, Confessional Lutherans v. Usury, noUsury
Suffering! Suffering! Cross! Cross!, a response to September 11 suffering.html
Do you believe in the Social Gospel? socialgospel.html
Should slaves obey their masters? slavery.html
Is smoking a sin? smokesin.html
My loyal opposition to ELCA Lutheran's loyal opposition wordalone.html
I delve into that controversial topic, too: theHword.html
A quiz to differentiate between different views on economics smalmorquiz.html
A review of A Penny A Copy about the Catholic Worker Movement (see bottom of page 2) Prism
A review of Facts Not Fear (see next to last article) targetearth.org
A review of Karen Armstrong's The Battle for God armstrong.html
A quiz to differentiate between different views on creation smalcreatquiz.html
Art& Leisure
My blog, In Support of Raytracing and Public Health
The animations I've submitted to contests anims.html
My Flickr photo site with photos my Dad took flickr
My del.icio.us web links page del.icio.us
This one is better seen than described! back.html
See my boids algorithm for flocking particles in POV-Ray boids.html
See the gallery for a [now defunct] worldwide collection of raytraced art that I was leading
See my fishing adventures fishingtrip.html
See my exploits to commemorate the Rwandan tragedy in 1994. woodstock94.html
See my cards and posters available for sale! zazzle.com
A list of institutional endorsements endorsements.html
The official web site for the Dihydrogen Monoxide Manufacturers Association dhmoma.html
Just what is industry's view on global warming? buswarming.html
Is the Cato Institute Evil? catoevidence.html
More on Cato & Tobacco catotobo.html
Why the Right hates Nader despite his many proposals on limiting government. nad.htmlOther People's interesting pages
Real Climate | Support Open Source Music | The Electronic Intifada | They opposed the Taliban long before Laura Bush did | Can Beaker's head fit into a test tube? | A reckless disregard for human life | The Thailand Report on Marxists | A voice for morality | Sola Scriptura | Astronomy Picture of the Day | Coolest TV Show Ever | Violence begets the very thing it seeks to destroy | The Rainforest Site | Save the Oceans at your Dinner Table! | Tricked my father, Killed him... | "Throat scratch, yes.Pain-in-the-neck old agressive malignant growths, no!" | Who's polluting your groundwater? | Relativity proves OT Creator | Save Family Farms | Give Sulu a ship! | Burn All Gifs | | Just killin' babies | Saving Kids | Electronic IraqMUST SEE COMPUTER ART
Animation:Master User's Gallery | Cool fractal programs | 3D Artists - Art Gallery | Cool raytracing programMUST READ BOOKS
On Being a Theologian of the Cross | Cost of Discipleship | Mere Christianity | Dinosaur Heresies | Dechronization of Sam Magruder | Guns of the South
Robert Bakker
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Jack Kirby
C.S. Lewis
Mike Nawrocki
Nick Parks
Craig Reynolds
Oscar Romero
Francis Schaeffer
Images by others from zazzle.com