Quality Art at Affordable Prices


I sell Jalopy in prints only. Each print is $50 US, including shipping.

$60 foreign.

Apache Warrior Custer in 1865

White-Man-Runs-HimGoodtime Charley

I have been away for a while, but am back and will be adding not only pen-and-inks, but also large oils I have been painting. Please drop back repeatedly as I will be adding many new pieces. Thanks for your interest!

All originals and prints are for sale on this site. To view them please push the forward button!

All Pen-and-Inks are originals and 9" by 12" and sell for

$100.00 US including shipping in the United States.

$150.00 foreign.

If you have inquiries about drawings not shown here please let me know!

To Order:

E-mail Me at Cartart5834@aol.com

Snail Mail: Mike Carter
17589 S.E. Colina Vista Ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97267

I feel these links are among the best on the Web! Please visit them as they are extremely informative! If you would like to exchange links please contact me!