Hi there. This is Numisma. This page'll get revamped soon enough. For the time being, I just wanted to let you know that someone recently reported my drabbles to FanFiction.Net, stating that the violence depicted in my particular fanfic exceeded the rating I had rated my fic as (PG-13). During the time that I was unable to upload anything new to fanfiction.net I just used this page to host my drabbles, especially since someone had JUST nominated one of my drabbles for the Inuyasha Fanguild. I now have posting access again, and the links you find here now are will direct you right to where they are located on fanfiction.net :) Reviews are greatly appreciated.

A Bargain With an Unknown Price
Hidden Scars
The Hunted Have Unknown Defenses
Test Subject
Snake Dance
That Thing of Yours
In Dreams

Composition dates are listed on each page, but the first 5 were all written during March of this year.
