Poetry From The Generations


Nan's Morsels



Do come in and join me ~ Welcome ~
to my magical lair ~ where the sun is always shining!
I'd like to extend a fond welcome to my Passionate, Scrolling, Poetic Pals, and to all of my new visitors as well.

  Fairy Tales DO Come True

In addition to my own Morsels, I would like to share with you some very special poetic missives from other members of my family. This five-generational venture spans well over a century, ranging from my great-grandmother to my daughter. All of these works are beautifully written with truly heartfelt messages. Enjoy !!
Have a great stay, and please come back soon ~~ Nancy Ness

Here's my library ~ Make your own choice and settle in




My Meager Morsels

My Daughter ~ Stacia A. Ness

My Nana ~ Velma M. Carlson ~ (1903-1996)

My Great-Grammie McGraw - Alice Martin (1878-1967)

And after you've read my poetry, be sure to check out these other great sites on the Internet...

My Favorite Links


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