Kattgirl's Artistry |
Welcome to Kattgirl's Artistry; a site devoted to my artwork, writing, and cats. Periodically, more of my works and interesting photos will be added, so please check back frequently to view the latest additions. Thank you for your patronage. |
Kattgirl's Art Gallery |
Kattgirl's Petsitting Services |
Katt, the Writer |
Tribute to Scott |
Katt's Cats |
Skater Katt |
Katt's Galaxie500 |
Works of Art in Oil Paints |
Seattle Art Museum |
Designs for the Internet |
Contact me with any questions or inquiries |
All rights reserved, 2008. This site built and maintained by the artist, Nadia (AKA, Kattgirl). Removal of any original links, text, or images for personal use from this site without prior written concent from the artist/writer is strictly prohibited. |