Hello. I've been collecting advertising tins for about 16 years now. It all started out very innocently with one Grapenuts advertising tin. When I ended up with another advertising tin, I had the problem of... Where should I put them? I own a small country store. It only made sense to use one tall shelf that I couldn't reach anyway. Once full, I needed another... then another. Several shelves later, I am waiting for my husband to make me a REALLY big one now. This is in addition to the ones all in use. You would think I would stop. I do at least limit my advertising tin collecting to brands, and possible items you might find, or have found in a country store.

At this point, I own over 5000 tins. I try and use some restraint, but evidently, not very much. Normally, the majority of my tins are displayed. I don't think it would be near as much fun collecting them, if I couldn't enjoy them as well.I love to trade tins, so feel free to email me if you want to do a little trading for any duplicate advertisng tins I might have. I have LOTS.

You'll find well over 360 advertising tins on these pages. I have broken them down into 6 main catagories. In each, you will find several main brands, and then an odd assortment of others. To view a larger picture of any advertising tin, simply click on the thumbnail of it. I plan to add, and make changes as I go along. Any suggestions , please feel free to email me. If a link isn't working, I'd apprciate knowing also.

I hope you enjoy viewing my collection as much as I do. Are they antiques? Most of the ones here aren't. I made this page when I had plenty of spare time on my hands. Since then, I've increased my collection by a lot. I have gotten hundreds of antique ones since then. I'd love to show them, but will have to develop a new way, since I am only allowed a limited amount of space here.

I really enjoy the emails I get. I'm not an expert, but do have quite a bit of experience and knowledge. I was quite proud when recently interviewed for the April 2003 edition of Antiques & Collecting. My 15 minutes of fame. :)

You can write to me at
Interested in doing a little trading? I have duplicate advertising tins that I am willing to part with. CLICK HERE if you want to see what I have to offer
I am working on displaying my Band-Aid, Curad, and other assorted bandage tins. The work is in progress, so please be patient but feel free to take a peek and let me know how you like it. BANDAGE TINS
candysnack foodsbeveragesassorted foodstobacco productsnon-food products
LINKS to other ADVERTISING TINS pages....
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