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(Please keep in mind, this site is still under construction. Some of the links will not be working yet, and some paintings may not be displayed. Any problems with this site or its related pages will be corrected as soon as possible. In the meantime, thanks for your patience!) If you're new to this site, please check out the links below. They'll help you to find the painting or page you're looking for.
(Click the above link to see a thumbnail gallery of all the paintings made in the oil medium)
Completed works in watercolors and pastels
(Click the above link to see a thumbnail gallery of watercolor and pastel paintings)
Learn more about the artist who creates these works of art.
Learn how the artist uses different painting techniques to create these paintings.
Now available! Want to purchase a painting seen on this website? Now you can!
Coming soon! Have you seen a painting you like, but it's too expensive? Then "make me an offer"!
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