Forgive me for the banners. The devil (in this case Geocities) made me do it. Oh well, I guess I owe them that for providing a free space for me. You can click on them if you want. I never have, so as to where they go your guess is as good as mine. |
Welcome to my website.
Huzah howdy and hello everyone. My name is Dave (Benny to my online friends) and I will be your host tonight. This site is devoted to all the things that make me tick. Bookmark it because i will be adding new pics every now and then. |
What is there to do here? Well, right now the features I have up and running are a small biography of myself, a collection of some of the better (a relative word) pieces of my literature, a small photo gallery of my friends and I, and a set of links to my friend's websites. I intend to have some other cool stuff up later. Remember, this page is a work in progress. |
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Ok, one last thing before you start surfing around here. I just want to warn you that I've been having a bit of trouble with my links. Now some of my links are just not set up yet. Don't worry about those, just give me a couple of weeks. But others are set up, but for some reason, when they drop you off at the page, it doesn't load up or it just loads the background. If this happens, don't panic, just click on the address you have written in the URL space on your browser and click enter (or return), the page should load up fine. If it doesn't, pleas e-mail me to let me know. Thanks. |
Questions? Comments? Horrendous spelling errors I missed? You can E-Mail me at Abbe_busoni@hotmail.com (don't forget to put the underscore there if you type it, it is an important part of the address) 5 bonus points to everyone who figures out the mailing address' literary refference. |