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"Welcome to the World of 23!"
(Alanna's Homepage)
Including Poetry, Writing, Rantings, Book Reviews, and more!
Hooray! I won the following award with this website:
With special thanks to Lilly K., SoHo Community Leader...

I am happy to announce that I became an officially published POET in the fall of 1998!
My poem, "Sea Captain" was selected for an anthology
entitled, "Pathways: Contemporary Verse from Around the World".
To view this poem online go here:
"Sea Captain"
In other news, I have just had three more poems published in UPRISING, a poetry journal out of Alabama. I was named "Featured Poet" in the Jeremiah Reeves Poetry Prize for Justice Contest Issue of UPRISING.
These poems are political in nature, and were written out of respect for all Native Americans, everywhere.
To view these poems, just click here:
"A Sacred Plea"
"Sage Advice"
"Black Hills"
Please be sure to see my humble opinions and outrageous observations on Society, Strangeness, & Stupidity in...

"The Irreverent Hour"
Go To "The Irreverent Hour"!
Please see my Open Letter to the United NationsLetter to United Nations
Please view my article on why the Green Party members are NOT spoilers...
Go Greens!
Please also see my new article on the New Peace Movement:A Kinder, Gentler Peace Movement

If you are interested in the following Book Review links, please feel free to click them!
Be sure to find out how I rate books, read my systems here:
Alanna's Rating Systems
Here it is, the reviews themselves... (more to be added!)
Fox Book Reviews
Please check this site often, as I will be adding poetry and more, randomly of course. I am a firm believer in Chaos Theory, so you never know when I will update this site!
Here is a little essay I recently wrote about the homeless. I hope you like it:
"Homeless but not Forgotten!"
To quote Elizabeth Taylor:
"Success is a great deodorant. It covers up all of your past smells!"
To quote Emo Phillips:
"I used to think the brain was the most important part of the body. Then I thought, 'Look what's telling me that'"
An "anonymous" quote:
"She wouldn't know respect if it slapped her on the ass."

I am now a proud distributor of HGH Physicians Blend Formula.
Please email me regarding this at the following email:
If you are looking for a specific medicine, such as Propecia, Viagra, Xenical or Celebrex, you are in luck! You NO LONGER need these DRUGS!!!!
Please order HGH and get the hair you need, get rid of wrinkles, have way more energy and look 20 years younger in 6 weeks and...have a better Sex Life! Whooo-hooo!!!
Need to read a good book? Feel free to browse my search engine for your favorite title or author.
I hope you like my page, there is much more to come!
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(NOTE: Unfortunately, my email is not functional... DO NOT email me from this below email...I will change it by fall of 2004...!)
Please send me mail at:reverendfox@yahoo.com
PS. YES! I am an ordained Minister and Doctor of Divinity.
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or...Alanna's email!
Hint: This is the better one... I check it more often!

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