Total Perplexity

A Collection of My Writings

Welcome to my page!!!! I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to email me with any comments or questions and make sure you sign the guestbook before you leave! ^_^

If you can't tell, I REALLY LOVE the Ronin Warriors!

Email me at

Meet Cye.
He's here to show you around.
Doesn't he look good in that suit? ^_^

This is a list of all the writings on my page.
The Lonely Soldier
My Prince
The Mystery Sage
The Eternal Fight

You cannot Please the Rain
The Orb
The Eternal Lure
A Guy I Met
There'd Be No
The Fire Beast
A Typical Day
My Favorite Place

Lightning Image Fire Faith

You can use this cool device to voice chat with anyone else who is on my page at the same time you are, provided that you have a mic, or if you don't you can sit back and listen to whatever everyone else is talking about! You just hold in the TALK button. Isn't this awesome? Special thanks to James for telling me about this! ^_^

Ryo is working on the picture section of my page, while Sage takes a crack at the links!

You're listening to the music to a song I wrote called My Prince.

Keep watching for more to come!

And remember my philosophy in life:

Believe in your friends, you will make it far
But only if you know who your true friends are
Believe in yourself and you'll make it through
And you'll find that your true friends will follow you!

I think you better do what Cye says!
He looks pretty angry!

© 1997

Copyright goes out to anyone who recognizes a picture or other that belongs to them since I cannot, for the life of me, remember where I got them all. If you see something of yours on here and I don't have your link in my link section(when it's up and running) just mail me and I'll add it.

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