Flight of a Raven Thoughts, Ideas, Rantings and Prose
The work on this page is my own with exception of work written for me by friends.
Under no circumstance is any of it to be used without permission. It is all copywritten and I will use whatever means necessary to prosecute people who steal my work.
While travelling this site, please be aware that it contains some information, ideas and work that may offend some viewers. I do not expect everyone to appreciate my work, but I do expect everyone to at least try to have an open mind. I make no appologies for who I am, my faith or my words. If you feel you cannot in good conscience accept any of this I ask that you simply click the X at the top of your screen and leave in peace.
For those of you who wish to continue the journey, I welcome you to my world.
Raven Criss

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All other copyrights belong to their respective holders as noted and Castle Creations by Criss ©2005.