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"Root Beer Rag"
by Billy Joel
Arranged by Don Rhoden using the
Voyetra MIDI Orcestrator

  The One, the Only, the Original...

The Rhoden Top 20: A Guide to The Internet

A Guide to Interesting, Informative, and Fun Web Sites
The Very First Rhoden Family Website, First Published on the Internet August 1997
Updated August 4, 2005

Tired of wading aimlessly through the millions of pages and sites available on the Internet? Check out our Top 20 picks.

By popular demand,
we've kept available these two
sites we added in Summer 1998

The authority on popular music, Rolling Stone magazine's site keeps you up-to-date on all the happenings in music and popular culture.
Every year it seems that the summer movie season starts earlier and earlier. This site will let you check out a movie before you head for the theater.

The Top 20
(in no particular order)

Internet Movie Database
The definitive guide to movies. Photos, synopses, biographies, lists of cast and crew, and more for US and foreign films.

The Dialectizer
View web pages or text in Redneck, Cockney, Pig Latin, etc.

Discovery Channel Online
Turn your kids (and you) on to Science and Nature.

The premier auction site on the Internet. We're frequent buyers and sellers.
High gas prices got you down? Find the lowest prices in your area with this site. Continuously updated, covering nearly every area of the US and Canada

Guinea Pig TV
Almost live video with multiple angles of the little rodents in Olympia, WA.

How Stuff Works
Fascinating site for kids and adults

Baby, What Time is It?
Go to this site and you'll know the current time anywhere on the planet

Computer Stupidities
Read true stories of unbelievable ignorance and stupidity regarding our silicon friends.
This site will teach you things you didn't even know you wanted to know.

Fox News Channel
The news - fair and balanced - and on my TV all day long. An alternative to the liberal media.

Horse Capital of the World, located in North Central Florida. Where we currently make our home.

Roadside America
The odd and unusual from across the country. Check out the Muffler Men section where I submitted an entry.

Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary
This non-profit facility located in Indian Shores, Florida is the nation's largest wild bird hospital.

Wild Adventures
Nine rollercoasters,dozens of other rides, animal attractions, and concerts.
Just across the border from us in Valdosta, Georgia.

Webby Awards
International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences awards for best web sites. Still waiting for a nomination...

"Weird Al" Yankovic
The multi-Grammy™ winning artist famous for his popular song parodies such as "Eat It" and "I Love Rocky Road"

The White House
Tons of info and links to other federal government sites. Email George W. and let him know what a great job he's doing.

Wichita, Kansas
Birthplace of Pizza Hut, Coleman, Cessna, Beechcraft, and me and my daughter.

No Shoes? No Problem!
The official website of The Society for Barefoot Living. More power to them, especially up north in the wintertime.

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Copyright 1997-2005
Don Rhoden