First Please sign the guest book for that i will know that you were here. Thank You

I would like to take all of my internet friends on a little tour yes my special little tour. heheheh So hang on are you ready to go? I will let you all ride in my, yes my "1930" Model A Car. Ok let go! hang on, "Opps got to unload it first hehehe sorry.
Ok first stop is a very special place to me. The menory of my loving Brother that was kill in the vietnam war. All of my prayers goes out to everyone that has serve in any kind of a war.
click on flag to go to my brother page
OK ready for our next stop? Oh darn sorry the car stop running you know how thies old cars are hehehe. Hang on, lets give it a little crank to get her going again.
Ok we are ready to go again. Hope we make it to the next stop befor we run out of gas hehehe. Well Now i need a drink Yes i sead a drink, at my faviorte good old coffee shop were else would you think we would stop at? hehehe.
click here to go and get some recipies of good drinks.
Now it is time for me to let you meet my family some of them. The first one is my new Granddaughter. and then you will also meet the rest of my family too. ok lets cruse to the next stop. Still got gas hehehe.
let go for a little pony back ride it will be fun off to my home.
Ok next stop please!!! A pagefull of links go and have fun and i will pick you up at the end but remenber to sign my guess book on your way out. Hope you enjoy the rest of the tour. and befor you go make sure you check out my missing kids page also thank you for your time and hope you come back soon.
ok lets fly away to my page of links something for every one.
Please make sure you stop here thank you.
Sorry one more hehehe You should know me by now. Here is a special page with a very special and very close friend of mine i meet right here.
My Special Frend !!
A page of games hope you have fun.