I'd like fellow songwriters to know that I am interested in collaborating. If you're a musician or composer and think our styles might mesh, email me.
I've compiled a page of links to songwriting resources. You may already be familiar with some of them since they are quite popular, but you might find something new that you can use, so check it out!
One good thing about the internet is that we can discover talent that we otherwise may never have heard of. The 'Artists & Songwriters' section gives links to some that I've found and been impressed by.
I've also put together a set of links to sites related to home recording. If you know of any *helpful* and *informative* home recording sites, please email me so that they can be included.
**Please take a moment to sign my guestbook.** I'd like to know who is stopping in here instead of just a number. There are enough numbers on the web anyway:)
If you have any comments or questions about this site or its contents please
email me!
Take care!
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