Stormwind's Women in Peril Page
General News and Announcements From Stormwind
We've moved. This site will no longer be updated and will be taken down soon. Check out our new ADLESS site at:

Please throw me a line? Hurry!
This Pages Final Update: May 1, 2000 This page has been visited
times since the bog first formed!!
If I remember correctly the page was created in April of 1998.
(These pages and all stories by Stormwind or Longshot are copyright 1999. Do not use without permission This includes Yahoo! If you're going to use them, please have the courtesy to ask.
Other stories are copyrighted by their individual authors
The Artwork is by The Artist (Main Page Title, My Story Title, Other Authors Link,My Story Link, Vicki Picture), James G Keene (Mail), and Der MudGecko (Main Page Link, Other Authors Title, Return to Main) Their art is copyrighted to them, and you'll have to get thier permission to use any of it). The maker of the Vicki link wishes to remain anonymous)