geocities has pissed me off.

Update your bookmarks, folks! (Assuming that anyone out there cares enough to have actually bookmarked this page...)

Geocities served me well while they hosted my page. But then they introduced that "watermark" concept. It sounded cool enough when they sent out the details in the "Geocities World Report", Vol. 3, No. 12, June 17, 1998:

"WATERMARK FLOATS GREAT CONTENT - Early this week, we released a transparent GeoLink called a Watermark on all GeoCities pages. Right now it links to the avenue pages, but very soon it will point to robust avenues full of other people's pages just like yours. Currently, we're reviewing all of your comments. Each one helps us understand how we can make your community even better.For more info and updates on our Watermark improvements check out this URL..." yada yada yada.

What I'd like to know, is why didn't they ask all of their members what they'd think before they implemented it? As you can see, it's not that transparent. It's actually very noticeable, and is DAMN ANNOYING - especially since if there's a link on someone's page, at the very bottom on the right hand side, the watermark (which is also a link) obscures it and makes it all but useless.

At least other servers, such as Xoom, only ask that you provide a link back - which is what Geocities asked before, and most members did so - AND they don't make stupid little windows popup with advertisements in them. So there.

One day, I hope to have my own domain. But since I don't have any cash, my new address will do.

click click!

see you there.