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The Pepsiholic Club

          Greetings one and all, glad you made it.  Allow me a moment to clear up a common  misconception.  Many visitors here get the idea I work for Pepsi.  It's true  I am a Pepsi fanatic.  However...  I am not a Pepsi employee.  I am also not a true collector although I have some cool memorabilia that has been given to me .  Nor am I a  Pepsi historian, although I have read the book. ("Pepsi Cola 100 Years")  I do collect some Pepsi stuff when I can find it,  just for fun (and when it's reasonably priced).   Then there is my screen name..... pepsic, it started out pronounced Pepsi-C and ended up pep-sick.  Your option, either way is pretty accurate.    

The main reason I created the page was this....

          I am a serious Pepsi drinker. Have been most of  my life.   That's what I drink.  It's easy,  it's simple.   I just  want  a nice simple "Ice Cold Bottle of  Pepsi"...   20 or 24 Oz ...either one is fine with me. It really is just that easy.  What I don't want gets a  little more tricky,  I  DO NOT want a can... they are too small and taste weird,  I DO NOT want a Big Slam... the neck is way too big...makes it hard to drink and it wont stay cold long enough to finish.  I DO NOT want a fountain drink,  the syrup  mix is never quite right, the cup's spill to easy and  they are hard to drive with.   I DO NOT want a glass and No Thank You I  DO NOT want ice to dilute it and mess up a perfectly fine formula.  Oh and by the way... I  DO NOT want a glass of water, milk, juice or a cup of coffee, tea or any other strange substances that  DO NOT say Pepsi on the label.  What I DO WANT,  like I said before is a bottle, just a basic 20 or 24 OZ bottle, pretty simple huh.    Sure,  I would "Prefer" a glass bottle,  but hey, I am a flexible  guy and  I made the change from glass to plastic.....eventually.  So what if maybe there were a few bets that I might not survive it.  The key here I believe is this...  if you are going to be a fanatic about something...  anything.  Take the time and effort to do it right.

As I was saying, I am a Pepsi fanatic.  There are times at work when it's finally my turn to "fly" and make the run to the store.  Always a hard time for me. That awkward moment when  I am expected to secure a bottle of that "other" brand for someone else.....  You know the stuff, the Red Guys....  in them big ole red Commie Cans.  Now, Of Course You understand, there's just no way I'm touching that stuff!   I will find a napkin or old dirty rag in the parking lot or something.  But there will be no personal contact by handling it myself.   Naturally no way after all that.... are they going to put that stuff in the same bag with my Pepsi!  No, that's just not gonna happen.  So you can see,  like I said in the beginning,  I am a serious Pepsi drinker.

Now I told you that, so I could tell you this....

     A couple years ago I moved from Detroit to Indianapolis.  Imagine my surprise when I  discovered that here in  Indiana, you nor I are able to go to the local corner store, neighborhood gas station, 7-11 or any other "convenience" store and buy a cold  6 or 8 pack of Pepsi!!!!!!!!!    Singles oh sure, they will sell you the singles all day long, but if you want that cold 6 or 8  Pack, your going to the supermarket like a Kroger or A&P where you will end up standing behind 739 yahoo's, IN THE EXPRESS LANE, where for no apparent reason,  on one seems to be able to count to 7!  As in, "7 items only". This goes on for incredibly vast amounts of time, that neither man nor beast were ever meant to endure!

And Then!! If you can believe it,  even if you sustain the horror's of the supermarket, which is ALWAYS is at least a couple miles out of your way,  even then,  you still can't buy a COLD 6 pack of Pepsi!!  All the have are the warm ones on the shelf. Now back you drive back to the 7-11 where you buy a  single cold Pepsi to tide you over while the rest get iced down at home!   I SWEAR IT'S TRUE,  I cant believe I haven't been declared a Saint for this kind of endurance!

Therefore, MY MISSION, MY QUEST is make this plight known and try , yes try bring Indiana ....into this millennium,  with the rest of the Pepsi drinking world so that they too..... may eventually know the instant bliss and true satisfaction of an instant cold 6 pack of Pepsi at the good ole American corner store!!!

BY the way, if anyone from PepsiCO can hear my cries,  I would be delighted to discuss the sales and marketing strategies for the great state of Indiana!  Your missing a wonderful advertising opportunity to exploit me here!


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