New Zealand
A place to rest... Reflect...
Jumping Points
Zealand |
Annie's Ark is New Zealand. A safe place to be in a chaotic world. Information links including travel guides, NZ weather, government and immigration, maps of New Zealand, distance calculator and a currency convertor.
Disaster Preparation |
Free downloads and an online checklist & guide to help you prepare for any emergency. Use it for camping too.
The Galleries |
A jumping point and guide to the galleries
Photographs of New Zealand with prose. |
More NZ images and prose. |
Gallery Three |
Photos of: Leigh, Piha, Karangahake Gorge & Matarangi. |
Gallery Four |
Photos of: Northland, Ahipara, Lang's Beach, Waihi and Coromandel Peninsula.
Gallery Five |
Photos of:
Northland, Mangonui, Kerikeri, Mangawhai.
Gallery Six |
Parting Shots
Someplace Green |
A jumping point to the pages below, plus my favourite links for those interested in growing.
The Ark Garden |
Creating an edible landscape in a small suburban NZ home garden. |
Permaculture |
Permaculture (as in 'horti'culture
or 'agri'culture) is a phrase coined to describe a system of
growing, farming and landscaping based on Nature's methods. It
includes edible landscaping, self-sufficency gardening, farming, and
recycling natural resources, such as heat, water, organic waste. The
system is based on creating microclimates where a diverse range of
plants are grown in non-regimented profusion to provide a plentiful,
permanent supply of food with as little effort as possible. |
Sheet-mulching |
A step by step how-to-do-it guide,
of "The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture".
Worm Farming |
Worm farming information for beginners.
Due to the number of requests for information on where to buy worms, I've
included information on worm-farmers & suppliers in New Zealand.
Willing Workers On Organic Farms. By joining the Wwoof network, you exchange your labour for temporary lodgings and learning on organic farms. The only charge is the membership fee.
All graphics and writings on this homepage are copyright of Anne Keller, 1998.
Exceptions to this are works and/or images which have been included with an acknowledgement and the owner's permission.
Enquiries and feedback on this homepage to: Anne Keller