"Hey, so glad you could make it, yeah, now you really made it
Hey, there's only us left now."

Celebrity Skin

Dear Metallica, please go home
A letter by Jaimie Pickle

I got my nose pierced
Read about the genesis and revelation of it.
The Things That We Will Do
Between me + my pop culture = nothing.
The Pain of Music
Just musing.
Searching for what doesn't exist
And finding out things in the process.
On the sofa
Internet therapy, retrospect-style.
Close captioned for the Hearing Impaired
Are we offended only in context?
Never Score
Anecdotal storytelling exercise #2
Do You Like Birds?
Anecdotal storytelling exercise #1
A story by Jaimie
Where did *that* come from?
Snippets from hither & thither.

This site was updated on December 22, 2004.