Folkin' Blues Online.

Lose Yer Shoes 2009
August 14 to 16, 2009 at Granite Ridge Wilderness Campground
for more information click here

Click: here for our pictures!

For full length Lose Yer Shoes audio streams and downloads, go to and search for Lose Yer Shoes. Same goes for Caution Jam, Fat Cats, Burt Neilson Band, Come Together, etc.

Check out Google video and search for Lose Yer Shoes for video clips of LYS and CTMF.

Thanks everyone for a fantastic year at Lose Yer Shoes!
Please visit us in the Festivals section of the Sanctuary at!

Lose Yer Shoes 2007: what you missed (even if you were there)
click here

Lose Yer Shoes will be hosting Variety shows featuring LYS performers throughout 2009.
Click here for all the details and pictures!

Lose Yer Shoes 2006

Lose Yer Shoes 2005

Click here for Lose Yer Shoes 2004 review

Click: Loads of pictures including 2007 and CTMF

Click: Patricia and Kozuno's pics from 2004

Click: Muskoka Today's pics from 2004

Check out Band members' info

Open stage events in South-Central Ontario:
Jam Central

Folkin' Blues/Lose Yer Shoes wishes to involve all cyber heads

in a venture through folkadelic land.

Folkin' Blues hopes to see you at our

shows wearing your tie-dyes and patchouli oil.

Folkin' Blues also has a fine line of tie dyed wear (only available at the festival - sorry!).

Thanx for stoppin' by folks!!

For pics of the band click here!

For the bus and friends click here!

Don't forget to come experience

Lose Yer Shoes !!

August 15 - 17, 2008 at
Granite Ridge Wilderness Campground, Kearney, Ontario.

Keep your ears and eyes open for the sounds of CABIN FEVER, a smokin' blues band made up of Eric and some of his Muskoka partners.
Also check out Lose Yer Shoes events going on.

Thanx Leah for all of your cool art work!!

Folkin' Hotline : (905) 775-8875

Click here to e-mail us


Come Together Music Festivals
Live@Jives cyberfolkie
Caution Jam
Grateful Dead
Relix Magazine

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